Smart Grid Interoperability Panel

Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP)


The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) is a United States membership-based organization
established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and
administered by its members, as facilitated by a NIST contractor. It provides an
open process for stakeholders to participate in providing input and cooperating
with NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY in the ongoing coordination, acceleration and harmonization of standards development for the Smart Grid.

The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL reviews use cases, identifies requirements and architectural reference models, coordinates and accelerates Smart Grid testing and certification, and proposes action plans for achieving these goals. The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL does not write standards, but serves as a forum to coordinate the
development of standards and specifications by many Standards-Setting Organizations (SSOs).

Scope and Structure


Pursuant to the Energy and Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007, the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY) is responsible for coordinating the development of and publishing a framework, including protocols and model standards, to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems, with input and cooperation from other Federal and State agencies and interested
private sector entities.

The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) is a membership-based organization
created by an AdmiNational Institute of Standards and Technologyrator under a contract from NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY to provide an open process
for stakeholders to participate in providing input and cooperating with NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY in the ongoing coordination, acceleration and harmonization of standards development for the Smart Grid. The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL also reviews use cases, identifies requirements and architectural reference models, coordinates and accelerates Smart Grid testing and certification, and proposes action plans for achieving these goals. The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL does not write standards, but serves as a forum to coordinate the development of standards and specifications by many standards development organizations.

The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel will be managed and guided by a Governing Board that approves work programs for the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel to carry out its work efficiently and effectively, prioritizes work, and arranges for the necessary resources. The Governing Board’s responsibilities include facilitating a dialogue with standards development
organizations to ensure that the action plans can be implemented.

The structure and organization of the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel and SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL Governing Board (SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANELGB)
were based substantially on the design of two principal existing organization

The Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP), which
is similar in nature to the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, and,

The GridWise® Architecture Council (GWAC), which is similar in

It is envisioned that the SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL will have at least two permanent committees. One permanent committee will be responsible for creating and refining an architectural reference model, including recommended standards and profiles necessary to implement the vision of the Smart Grid. The other permanent committee will create and maintain the necessary documentation and organizational framework for
testing conformance with these Smart Grid standards and specifications. The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel, as needed, may form additional permanent committees and ad-hoc working groups.

All Smart Grid Interoperability Panel outputs will be delivered to the public through the NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY Smart Grid
Collaborative Wiki and the online Interoperability Knowledge Base (IKB) Website.

The Federal Advisory Committee Act prohibits NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY from accepting advice directly from the SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL. Therefore, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY has contracted with the AdmiNational Institute of Standards and Technologyrator to provide advice to NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY by refining Smart Grid Interoperability Panel outputs using the AdmiNational Institute of Standards and Technologyrator’s technical
expertise. The AdmiNational Institute of Standards and Technologyrator’s advice can include, but is not limited to, analyzing draft Smart Grid Interoperability Panel outputs, identifying gaps in the outputs, and making recommendations regarding the outputs, prior to providing the outputs to NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY.

The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL and its Governing Board are an open organization dedicated to balancing the needs of a variety of Smart Grid-related organizations. Any organization may become a member of the SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL. Participating Member organizations will be required to declare an affiliation with an identified Stakeholder Category (twenty-two have thus far been identified by NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY). Participating Member organizations may contribute multiple Member Representatives, but only one Voting Member Representative. Participating Member organizations must participate regularly in order to vote on the work products of the panel.

The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL Governing Board will include at least one Member from each Stakeholder Category, the Chairs of each permanent Standing Committee, several “members at large,” and several ex officio members representing, for example, key government agencies.
New SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL Governing Board members will be recommended by a Candidate Evaluation Committee and approved by the SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL Governing Board as a whole. Terms of SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL Governing Board members will be staggered to ensure both regular turnover and continuity.


The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL) is being created through a contract from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY) of the U.S. Department of Commerce to support NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY’s role as defined in the Energy
Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 to “coordinate the development of a
framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems.”

The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL will provide an open process for Stakeholders to participate in providing input and cooperating with NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY in the ongoing coordination, revision, acceleration and harmonization of standards development for the Smart Grid. The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL members participate in an open process to: provide technical and business guidance resulting
in use cases, requirements, and recommended standards; recommend revisions to
existing standards; identify gaps in existing standards; coordinate Smart Grid
testing and certification programs; and recommend Priority Action Plans (PAPs) for
accelerating the standards development and testing and certification of components
for the Smart Grid.


The mission of the SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL is to provide a strong framework for coordination of all stakeholders of the Smart Grid to accelerate standards harmonization and
development. The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL does not write standards, but instead develops and reviews use cases, identifies requirements, and proposes action plans for achieving these goals

The SMART GRID INTEROPERABILITY PANEL has three principal responsibilities:
a. To provide the technical guidance necessary to facilitate standards
development for the Smart Grid
b. To specify the necessary testing and certification requirements to assess the
achievement of interoperability using Smart Grid Standards
c. To oversee the performance of these activities to maintain momentum and





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